So, I forced er, told myself that I would blog today. To sum up things currently going on:
1) Please sign and then share by June 30th! Sign the petition to save seals’ lives! It's free & takes just 1 min w/valid e-mail!
2) The song that I love for the past few days is "AM I WRONG?" by Norwegian duo Nico & Vinz
I am like now obsessed with it. Everything is just awesome about this song-the beat, lyrics, etc.!!!! Fun fact: It was released on April 12, 2013. But, now it's finally making its' way to the U.S.
(You see, I'm not the only one behind...okay, so I'm a bit of a turtle when it comes to keeping up with blogging and music.) lol :D
Anyways-everyone Happy Tuesday! And you can listen to the song while signing the above petition-it's great mood music. Both will make you feel good about yourself! :D